
Local Business

We’re proud to feature several local business who help sponsor our efforts.


There are no Available Positions at this Time.

The City of DeQuincy is accepting applications for a sewer maintenance and repair technician.

Job consists of repairing and installing sewer mains, operating high pressure cleaning system and general maintenance. Pay depends on experience.

Please apply at City Hall 300 N. Holly Street DeQuincy, La 70633.

Job Application

DeQuincy City Hall is now accepting applications for the position of City Clerk.

This position requires at least four (4) years of experience in a responsible managerial or administrative position or a Bachelor’s Degree in business administration or a related field. Applicant must have excellent communication skills both written and oral, and above average interpersonal skills. The applicant must also have adequate secretarial skills, such as letter writing, taking dictation and transcribing notes, as well as adequate bookkeeping experience. Computer skills are required. Must be able to be bonded, which requires possession of a valid Louisiana driver’s license due to a financial background check which will be done in preparation for bonding.

If you are interested and meet the minimum requirements of this position, an application can be printed from the link above, or you can pick up an application from City Hall, 300 N. Holly Street, DeQuincy, LA. Please return it along with your resume DeQuincy City Hall, or it can be mailed to DeQuincy City Hall, P.O. Box 968, DeQuincy, LA 70633.

The City of DeQuincy is seeking a qualified applicant to perform duties as a Utilities Collection Clerk.

Applicant is required to have excellent communication skills both written and oral, above average people skills, must be a self-starter and able to work with minimum supervision. The ability to be a team player and interface positively with other team members and the public is a necessity. Computer skills are required and bookkeeping skills preferred. Must be able to be bonded, which requires possession of a valid Louisiana driver’s license due to a financial background check which will be done in preparation for bonding.

If you are interested and meet the minimum requirements of this position, an application can be printed from the link above, or you can pick up an application from City Hall, 300 N. Holly Street, DeQuincy, LA. Please return it along with your resume DeQuincy City Hall, or it can be mailed to DeQuincy City Hall, P.O. Box 968, DeQuincy, LA 70633.